Gooch Trucking Company Inc.
“Your Trusted Transportation Experts for 40 Years”
Specialized HAZMAT Transport-Tanker Operations
Propane, LNG, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Argon, Co2, Helium, Hydrogen
Gooch Trucking of Blairsville, in northeast Georgia, started out in 1984 as a single dump truck operation and has grown to a major force in the transportation of propane gas, LNG (liquid natural gas), Oxygen, Nitrogen, Argon, CO2, Helium and Hydrogen licensed to haul hazardous material in all 48 states. Owned by Glendon and Kris Gooch, the fleet now has 60 trucks, 28 propane tankers, 24 LNG trailers, 3 Cryogenic trailers, 2 CO2 trailers,7 vans, 10 flatbeds, 7 pneumatic trailers, 4 lowboy trailers. Gooch Trucking operates in all 48 states plus Canada, and has a staff of 9 office personnel, 60 drivers and 5 shop personnel.